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  종목명 현재 금리 국가
자메이카 은행

The Bank of Jamaica is the central bank of Jamaica located in Kingston. It was establ...

0.5%  자메이카
잠비아 은행 (BOZ)

The Bank of Zambia was established to take over from the Bank of Northern Rhodesia on...

13.50%  잠비아
중국인민은행 (PBOC)

The People's Bank of China is the central bank of the People's Republic of China with...

3.45%  중국
지부티 중앙은행

The Central Bank of Djibouti is the central bank of Djibouti. The bank is responsible...

0%  지부티
짐바브웨 연방준비은행 (RBZ)

The Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe has its origins in the Bank of Rhodesia and Nyasaland wh...

0%  짐바브웨
체코 국립중앙은행 (CNB)

The Czech National Bank is the central bank of the Czech Republic and the supervisor ...

7%  체코
칠레 중앙은행

The Central Bank of Chile was created by decree law No. 486, 21 August 1925, under th...

0.75%  칠레
카보베르데 은행

The Bank of Cape Verde is Cape Verde's central bank. It is located in the national ca...

3.5%  카보베르데
카자흐스탄 국립은행

The National Bank represents, within the limits of its authority, the interests of th...

9.25%  카자흐스탄
카타르 중앙은행 (QCB)

The Qatar Central Bank was originally the Qatar Monetary Agency, founded in 1971 when...

2%  카타르
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